
A Fresh Start

Photo by Judy Nanney

Photo by Judy Nanney

Hello! I promised last night that I would write about what happened yesterday that was bumming me out a bit. I will revisit this post later this week with some expansions and edits, as I'm planning on ushering in the new year in style with friends at Corner Brewery. I am certainly looking forward to 2015! 2014 was far from a bed of roses, but in a few short hours it will be history...the type of history that no one remembers a decade from now.

Yesterday I embarked from Michigan in my Monstermobile, heading for New Orleans, and a warm and festive environment that is ideal for me to perform in. On I-75 in Sidney, Ohio, my car blew out, and I luckily veered to the shoulder and avoided a far worse catastrophe. While waiting for AAA to arrive, I took a look under the hood, noticed a piece under the engine was ripped apart, and oil was pouring out onto the asphalt. I don't know much about cars, but I knew this was bad. When I got to the mechanic, he immediately told me that it was unfixable, and so that was that.

I'm not in the mood to write much more than this at present, but I don't want to end this post on a sour note. I was excited to finally have a vehicle, and I was looking forward to traveling to and performing in more cities around the country than I was previously able. But this is only a minor setback. It doesn't change who I am, or my determination, or my ability to do my thing. I've made my way around the country the previous three years without a car, and I can do it now. There are many difficulties and fears I have about being an artist, but it's all worth it to me. I can't imagine doing anything else. If you are reading this, you are a big part of the support I feel that keeps me going through the tough times. Thank you. I'm ready to embrace a fresh start for 2015, and I'm primed to move forward in a big way. Awwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!